July 8, 2003
Newsflash: Gaming Isn’t Solitary
This fine story from CNN relates some findings from a study, done under the auspices of the Pew Internet & American Life Project by Steve Jones at UIC. Jones found that gaming didn’t gnaw away at work or social activities, but coexisted with them, as gamers multi-tasked; it appeared to be a social activity itself, and not as male-dominated as it has been made out to be.
Or, as the lede says, “Roughly two-thirds of college students play video games, but the image of a nerdy guy who spends all day in a dimly lit room blowing up computer-generated bad guys is off base, according to a new study.” Then why do such stereotypes persist? Maybe because both of the photographs accompanying the article show a grinning sophomore guy with his shirt buttoned up to his neck, sitting alone in front of his computer in a dimly-lit room. Thanks, news media!
July 9th, 2003 at 12:25 am
A lot of people are discussing the recent CNN article about the research/report on gaming among college students. As CNN states in its headline, it is a big surprise that gamers are not social loners or misfits, that they display…