December 10, 2003
Darmstadt in June
The second Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment conference (TIDSE) will be held June 24-26 in Darmstadt, Germany, which is near Frankfurt, about a 5 hour train ride from Paris. Papers are due January 30 (ugh, that’s soon…)
I recommend this gathering, it’s a mixture of technical papers / system building and design-oriented approaches. We attended this last year, presenting Facade, and got good feedback and warm enthusiasm. Like the DiGRA LevelUp conference, the attendance was about mostly European, about a quarter North American. There’s a lot of interactive narrative activity going on in Europe, so it’s a great way to meet all those folks and hear about their work. And a big highlight was Chris Crawford’s rousing keynote presentation.
Also Darmstadt is a charming little city, with some amazing Art Nouveau buildings and houses a short walk from the conference center. In late June it should be fabulous.
This year there was an issue that TIDSE overlapped with ICVS, a French version of almost exactly the same conference; it seems the two conferences have now agreed to take turns each year.