January 26, 2005
Emotionally Challenged Blog
Ian Wilson has begun a new blog as a forum to discuss ways to advance the state of the art of emotional behavior in virtual characters and interactive experiences. Ian has contributed numerous comments to discussions on GTxA of late, and I’m looking forward to hearing more of his perspective on this shared pursuit. And his domain name ends in “ai”, which is pretty cool. Added to our blogroll.
January 26th, 2005 at 10:27 pm
I’ve liked his comments, and he’s a smart guy. I’m looking forward to reading his blog, though the color scheme right now make me wanna puke, not read. Hope that changes.
January 27th, 2005 at 6:09 pm
It’s a pretty looking web-site, but where’s the text? Is there suppose to be writing in those boxes? All I can see is a yellowish green smudge.