April 28, 2005

CUNY Conference on Contemporary Poetry

by Nick Montfort · , 4:49 pm

A contemporary poetry conference that includes the words “blogs” and “online” in its call for papers definitely deserves some of Grand Text Auto’s fat pipe. They’ve got a sweet URL, too.

CUNY Conference on Contemporary Poetry
Graduate Center, City University of New York
November 3-6 2005

Abstracts due: September 15, 2005.

The CUNY Conference on Contemporary Poetry, sponsored by the department of Comparative Literature, Graduate Center, City University of New York, will take place November 3-6, 2005. We are seeking papers on a variety of topics that address, and perform, the current state of poetry. (By “current” we understand the period from 1984 on, with an emphasis on the present day.) We encourage creative approaches to issues of poetics, criticism, and translation. We also plan for panels that showcase English translations of contemporary poetry. Some suggestions for topics are included below, but prospective participants should not feel in any way limited to these categories:

Please submit a one-page abstract to poetryconference [at] gmail.com. If you are interested in forming a panel, please submit your proposal to the same address. For translations, please submit approximately two pages of translation work, as well as the poem(s) in the original language.

Deadline for submissions: September 15, 2005.

Conference coordinators:

Anna Moschovakis
Noam Scheindlin
Matvei Yankelevich

One Response to “CUNY Conference on Contemporary Poetry”

  1. mark Says:

    The CCCP, eh?

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