March 24, 2006

Brown E-Fest 2006

by Scott Rettberg · , 1:14 pm

I’ve posted a set of photos from the E-Fest. Highlights of the fest included some beautiful interfaces by current Brown e-writing fellow Daniel Howe and next year’s fellow Aya Karapinska, new work by Stuart Moulthrop, an excellent 10 minute presentation on Perec and Beckett by Gale Nelson, a short paper on Memory and Real Time by Wendy Chun, Jim Capenter’s three-laptop poetry generation performance (video clip), and Brian Kim-Stefans’ absurdist sense of humor.

One Response to “Brown E-Fest 2006”

  1. Grand Text Auto » E-FEST 3: Virtual, Texual Caves Says:


    E-FEST 3: Virtual, Texual Caves
    by nick @ 1:33 am

    In my presentation at E-FEST 2006 (official blog) I showing some ways that an early virtual cave, the int […]

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