August 10, 2006

Don’t You Have a Map? Part 10

by Nick Montfort · , 11:06 pm

A traveling essay stops at Grand Text Auto for a visit…

Don’t you have a map?
A collaborative, traveling essay in letters
‘twixt Erika Howsare & Jen Tynes.

Part 10, J to E—

A smelly flower grows in Brooklyn, I send you juttings in the mail. If a poem is going to
Be a thing you’ve got to keep on talking at it? If noticing is going to happen late I’ll see

You when the land- I lost your thought this is not correspondence. Constant cricket is
Actually erratic, stops/starts, surrounds the thunder. “Sometimes you suffer sometimes

You woo.” Whe I write things w/o familiarity and get a bucket in my belt. Not speaking
About “you” in particular, just a Mr. Blah out there, in the parlance of one teenager, or

(What he says about) The Boston Globe. Middle class action. Flakey horns have not one
Thing to crow about. Cream “cheesed it” backa’here. I leave “you” evenings, the distinct

Feeling of fast-forwarding my own thought, belts smoking, working sleep. Even then
The audience I imagine has their diapers on, early fabrication has its tell. Rhetoric-ish

I’ve got to ask, can you bee-line this? In the coinage of earlier can you crow it out? Is
The bump and grind of the—like letters to the touch. Do you also wish in old versions?

Did you intentionally print it to show? Where are the things that you pocked at when-

You are the only person I can tell apart from this. Hornswaggled over
And out.

E responds to J when and where she’s damn near ready to.
Please visit for the whole hog.
Email Erika & Jen: editors AT horselesspress DOT com.

2 Responses to “Don’t You Have a Map? Part 10”

  1. Grand Text Auto » Horse Less Carriage Returns Says:

    […] riting the traveling essay “Don’t You Have a Map?, part 10 of which stopped by Grand Text Auto to be published here this month. Am I imagining the emph […]

  2. Don’t You Have a Map? Part 11 at WRT: Writer Response Theory Says:

    […] d new readers may either trace a (mostly-unbroken) path of references leading back to each previous post, or use the central listing as a (somewhat reliable) map fo […]

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