September 22, 2006

Encyclopedia A-E

by Noah Wardrip-Fruin · , 3:23 pm
Encyclopedia A-E

Maybe you read about it in the LA Weekly or The Believer or some other leading edge news source — but now it’s time to experience the world’s finest alphabetically-ordered literary publication first hand. If you live near Providence or Philadelphia, I jealously report that you can attend one of the first launch parties for the Encyclopedia Project‘s stunning initial publication: Encyclopedia volume 1: A-E. The Providence event is this Saturday, September 23rd, 9pm, at AS220. The Philadelphia event is Monday, September 25, 7:30pm, at NEXUS. Even if you can’t make it, scope out your entry for F-K.

5 Responses to “Encyclopedia A-E”

  1. nick Says:

    Noah, thanks for posting news of this. It looks like a great publication – but I must say, next to Legenday, Lexical, Loquacious Love, No. 111 2.7.93-10.20.96, and of course Ream, it isn’t very alphabetically ordered. I think it packs enough concept to make up for that, though.

  2. noah Says:

    I was thinking of ongoing publications, rather than single publications. Of course, I wouldn’t want to claim anything but Ream as the finest, otherwise :)

  3. nick Says:

    You’re too kind – I don’d think the print Ream even counts as a publication! But a rich alphabetized literature seems to be emerging. I’d love to see an (alphabetical) bibliography of work of this sort. Does anyone know of one?

  4. nick Says:

    Hey, the Philly Encyclopedia A-Z reading was great, and even closed with some very nice short poems by non-Encyclopedia author Brian Kim Stefans. Did I see any of you (not Noah, Scott, Mary, Michael, or Andrew, of course, but you others) there?

  5. Grand Text Auto » Encyclopedia, LA, tonight Says:

    January 20, 2007

    Encyclopedia, LA, tonight
    by noah @ 3:16 pm

    Earlier I posted about the publication of the Encyclopedia Project’s first volume, Enc […]

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