May 22, 2007

Dog Days in a Dog Year

by Nick Montfort · , 1:01 am

Monk on the highway

Mature viewers with minds akimbo may appreciate the unusual photographs, suited to the premade captions, in the series 13 Months in the Year of the Dog. Thanks, inky.

3 Responses to “Dog Days in a Dog Year”

  1. patrick Says:

    the link appears to be dead. does anyone have a working link?

  2. nick Says:

    Chutian Golden Paper 2007-05-26
    Photographs from Unusual Art Project Disappear, Reappear
    A commenter on the blog Grand Text Auto reported all the photos missing from the popular Year of the Dog page. When the blogger who posted about them went to check, the text of the page loaded without the photos. But the next day, upon revisiting, the photos were found again.

  3. breslin Says:

    There must be quite a few interesting photography projects available on the interweb. Is this one especially germane?

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