April 19, 2009

Eight pounds, four ounces

by Noah Wardrip-Fruin · , 6:03 pm
Zoe smiles

Following Grand Text Auto tradition (Eva and Nataly and Jessica) Jen and are happy to welcome a daughter into our lives.

Zoe’s a couple months old now, and already stunning us with the pace at which she’s growing and changing. Meanwhile, I’m hoping for a slow return from my total blogging hiatus. I wish I could blog from the new GTxA show at the Krannert Art Museum, but I’m going to have to leave that role to Nick. (Thanks Nick!)

11 Responses to “Eight pounds, four ounces”

  1. Jimmy Maher Says:

    Awww… congratulations! :)

  2. Nick Montfort Says:

    It’s great to see Zoe on here, Noah, and I’m glad that she and you and Jen are doing so well.

  3. andrew Says:

    Great photo! very cute.

  4. Scott Rettberg Says:

    Wow, she’s getting cuter by the day. Jessica just turned one yesterday. I’m hoping to return from blogging hiatus soon as well. My parental leave (which, as it turns out, is not a vacation at all — these little ones demand even more attention as their mobility increases) ends in May. Hope we can can have a Grand Text Auto baby meetup before too long.

  5. Jamie Says:

    Welcome, Zoe! Congrats to the proud parents too.

  6. Noah Wardrip-Fruin Says:

    Thanks everyone!

    Also, Jen points out that I may have chosen a misleading headline. When the picture for this post was taken, Zoe was already more than 11 pounds (the headline’s her birth weight). Things move fast!

  7. Yusuf Says:


  8. Mary Flanagan Says:

    welcome zoe!

  9. david familian & karen moss Says:

    very cute and congrats, hope you are getting some sleep!!

  10. Noah Wardrip-Fruin Says:

    Thanks folks! Unfortunately, sleep’s been very light in its availability the last few days. But we’re doing the best we can. And it continues to flabbergast me how much she can change in just a couple weeks. I’m moved and amazed every day.

  11. david familian & karen moss Says:

    it only gets better!!!!!
    health to all

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