November 10, 2003

Aww… or Aaah?!

by Andrew Stern · , 9:37 am

Terra Nova links to a personal account of a first kiss in the virtual world, There. It’s both sweet and disturbing to me. (Mostly because everybody looks like J.Crew models, but I know you can create less perfect-looking avatars. Which suddendly reminds me of the new reality show Average Joe I was just watching last weekend. I knew I wasn’t crazy when I alluded to just such a connection…)
(And I’m further unsettled (and intrigued) by the link in the Terra Nova post’s comments to… I didn’t know such a site existed yet! Wow… see you there… gulp?)

One Response to “Aww… or Aaah?!”

  1. Scott Rettberg Says:
    Avatar Worlds
    At GTA , Andrew been following recent developments in avatar worlds.

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