November 11, 2003

Play Misty With Me

by Andrew Stern · , 8:49 am

Just discovered a discussion that occurred a few weeks ago over at buzzcut about the lack of emotion in games, similar to the discussion we had recently here about the lack of games that address the “human condition”. Buzzcut is written by David Thomas, who also writes for Reading his blog I just discovered he was at LevelUp (here’s his pics), but I didn’t happen to meet him. It always sucks when you later realize you wish you’d met somebody in person when you had the chance.

Anyhow, the discussion he generated about emotion in games was a good one. And he links to Mark Barrett’s site prairiearts, which us GTxA’ers discovered about a month ago by way of Costikyan’s blog. Barrett’s essays are amazing, once we have the time we’d love to have a discussion about them here.

Update: William Huber continues the discussion over at, Mark Bernstein makes a new post on the topic (hmm, now we’ve got two Mark B’s involved), Ian Bogost at watercoolergames, and check out a new paper by Neal Thomas, videogames as moral universes.

2 Responses to “Play Misty With Me”

  1. andrew Says:

    Update #2: Justin over at gamegirladvance wants to see games that express a strong personal vision or passion.

  2. Water Cooler Games Says:
    I laughed, I cried … I fired 500 rounds?
    Andrew stern reopens the continued discussion on the absense of human emotion in games. There’s a lot to be said on this topic, but I’m only going to make a few comments right now. First, I think it’s a dream…

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