September 8, 2007

Purple Blurb Digital Reading Series at MIT

by Nick Montfort · , 2:14 pm

Purple Blurb logo

Update: There’s now a Purple Blurb Web page which will be kept up to date with information about the seties.

This Fall, a new reading series for digital writing will take place in the salon-like environs of the Trope Tank at MIT. The series is sponsored by the MIT programs in Writing and Humanistic Studies and Comparative Media Studies along with local arts organization Turbulence and the Electronic Literature Organization. It will feature readings and presentations by digital writers of all sorts – poets, fiction writers, writers of nonfiction and criticism, and others engaged in language, narrative, and letters on the computer.

The readings will start at 6pm at MIT in 14N–233 (second floor of building 14, in the wing that is across the courtyard from the Hayden Library).

The first reading is happening soon – next week! We’ve got you a flyer for the series that lists what is coming up, and the inaugural schedule for Purple Blurb is also provided right here:

September 18
Robert KendallClues, Faith, Logozoa, Pieces

October 16
Vika ZafrinRolandHT, Words’ End

November 13
Barbara BarryMindful Documentary, One Degree Narratives

December 4
Andrew PlotkinShade, So Far, The Dreamhold, Delightful Wallpaper

I hope to see some of you there!

2 Responses to “Purple Blurb Digital Reading Series at MIT”

  1. words’ end » Purple Blurb Says:

    […] is across the courtyard from the Hayden Library),” says organizer Nick Montfort in the announcement. The first reader will be Robert Kendall, […]

  2. Grand Text Auto » Zarf to Punctuate Blurb at MIT on Tuesday Says:

    […] our last Purple Blurb of the semester, Andrew Plotkin will be joining us at MIT in the Trope Tank (14N-233) at 6pm this […]

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