January 27, 2004

Bullet list Gettysburg

by Michael Mateas · , 12:44 pm

Peter Norvig, of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach fame (the most commonly used intro to AI textbook), has created a Powerpoint presentation for Lincoln’s Gettysburgh Address. This work is in the tradition of Powerpoint art, generally critiquing the Powerpoint communication style, pursued by artists such as Michael Lewy and David Byrne.

2 Responses to “Bullet list Gettysburg”

  1. michael Says:

    Dennis Jerz, a recent commentor on GTxA, has posted about Powerpoint literacy on his own blog. His colleague Michael Arnzen has commented specifically on the Gettysburg Address presentation (as have many many others).

  2. n¦tropie Says:
    Lincoln mit Powerpoint
    Tja, auch ich habe Vorstände und Chefedakteure schon mit Powerpoint-Präsentationen verarscht. Und ich habe es gehasst. Frisierte Statistiken, schlecht vorbereitete…

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