July 30, 2003

drame interactif à Toulouse

by Andrew Stern · , 8:42 am

The program for the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Storytelling is now online. It will be held in Toulouse, France from November 20-21.

Unfortunately we had to decide to not submit Facade for presentation at ICVS this time around, because we had just traveled to Europe only last March to present Facade at TIDSE in Darmstadt, Germany (why are there two conferences in Europe about interactive story within a few hundred miles of each other, within the same year? TIDSE and ICVS should merge, don’t you think?) Also, we hope to demo Facade at the LevelUp gamefair in Utrecht, Netherlands only a few weeks beforehand, so it just makes it logistically insane to also attend ICVS. Oh well.

Hey, someone needs to volunteer to write up a conference report, that we can post here on GTxA!

2 Responses to “drame interactif à Toulouse”

  1. Nicolas Szilas Says:

    I am participating to ICVS next November, so I can write up a concise report.

    I think that TIDSE and ICVS are going to coordinate next time: they will not occur the same year, but they will alternate. The current situation (two conferences the same year) was a kind of mistake…

    A merging might be a good idea, but in that case, I would rather see a yearly conference.

  2. jill/txt Says:
    virtual storytelling
    Virtual Storytelling is the name of a conference in Toulouse this Novemeber. I’ve only had a quick look at the list of presentations so I can’t swear to its being relevant, but it’s in France! I don’t think I’ve got…

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