February 14, 2005

DAC is Back!

by Nick Montfort · , 3:09 pm

The 6th Digital Arts and Culture Conference will take place at the IT University in Copenhagen on December 1-3, 2005. “Digital Experience: Design, Aesthetics, Practice” is the tag line for this conference. Deadline: August 8. You can read about the history of DAC and the organization of the current conference; also, see the CFP.

2 Responses to “DAC is Back!”

  1. andrew Says:

    Ah, Denmark in December. Don’t forget your bathing suit!

  2. Erik Says:

    I have great memories of running barefoot through falling snow in Copenhagen. The locals weren’t impressed but I enjoyed it. Certainly not as cold as Finland Norway or Sweden near the Arctic circle. You can also get a special Christmas Tuborg brew and visit Tivoli.

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