March 18, 2005

darpa games

by Mary Flanagan · , 12:22 pm

Recently I was asked if the US military funds commercial games (ie not America’s Army, but are there cases of contracting commercial games)? Does anyone know? Meanwhile, I have been visiting the darpa game development group Their “articles + research” page might be a helpful to some~.

3 Responses to “darpa games”

  1. andrew Says:

    Sounds like they will need to contract commercial companies, if this is to be believed

  2. mary Says:

    thx andrew for the linkage!

  3. brian Says:


    I’m fairly certain that Full Spectrum Command and Full Spectrum Warrior (from ICT) were funded by the military, as was the Leaders project (not released as a commercial game, but built with Quicksilver as a training game for the military).


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