Tale of Tales have done it again: The Observational Immersionist Style
Tale of Tales just released a new game or rather “experimental play experience” (a phrase surely concocted to appease those who don’t accept their repurposing of the word game). Anyhow, it’s called Fatale and it is awesome.
Starting with The Endless Forest, Tale of Tale’s have consistently created environments that exist for the purpose of being looked at and explored. This may not sound all that unique as most 3D games have environments that are explored, but the difference is that these games exist solely for this purpose. To them, game environments are not containers for gameplay, but rather are the reason for gameplay. By only affording the player navigation controls, the player’s mind is free to embark on a journey of induction and introspection. In their own words, Fatale “offers an experimental play experience that stimulates the imagination and encourages multiple interpretations and personal associations.”