August 26, 2003
Fifth Wheel Man
After spending a good deal of time buttering Scott Rettberg up by praising his creative and critical writing, I’m pleased to announce that he has joined our band of automatic hooligans. Having already mentioned some of Scott’s many creative contributions, I’ll just note that Scott also founded the Electronic Literature Organization and is now an assistant professor at Stockton College, where he’s starting up a new media track in the Literature Program.
Scott has his own blog already, but such personal bloggery hasn’t stopped Noah from contributing regularly to Grand Text Auto, even recently, while Noah has been circling the planet. And besides, Scott uses his own blog to post wacky photos of and by his nephew and stuff, while we’re all serious here on Grand Text Auto. (That’s what Scott looks like, by the way.) I know that Andrew, Michael, and Noah share my hope that Scott will find this an enjoyable forum for discussing creative new media work with us drivers and with those who read and comment. We’re sure that his perspective as a writer, teacher, and critic will make things around here seem more intelligent and respectable.
August 26th, 2003 at 8:14 pm
(Hyperattentive readers may have noticed that Stuart Moulthrop has been listed as a “driver” until just now. Stuart helped us to imagine and hatch Grand Text Auto, but due to the many other demands on his time he has not been able to post regularly and has asked not to be listed on the main page. We appreciate Stuart’s help and encouragement, wish him well in his teaching, his creative work, and his forging a new program at the University of Baltimore, and we hope that whenever time permits we’ll still get to read some posts and comments from him.)
August 26th, 2003 at 8:28 pm
Welcome Scott! Hopefully this will be a way to formally continue the discussions we started to have at the e-lit dinners at Moti Mahal in Chicago. (Not that there was anything particularly formal about those dinners, or this blog.)
August 26th, 2003 at 9:03 pm
Hey guys,
Thanks for inviting me to join GTA. I feel like that geeky kid who was sitting at the junior high school lunch table all by himself and just got invited over to the cool kid’s table. I’ll try to post something worthy now and again.
Seriously, it’s an honor to join four of the new media scholars/creators I admire the most in this what you call it “discourse community.”
All Best,
August 26th, 2003 at 9:23 pm
I think this is the table of freaks and geeks, actually…
August 26th, 2003 at 9:36 pm
Sheesh, that’s what Scott was joking about … you TOOL.
August 26th, 2003 at 9:59 pm
Omigod this does feel like junior high…
August 27th, 2003 at 6:54 am
I’m just trying to imagine whether junior high would have been more or less awful with blogs. Perhaps the blog networks would have been a completely different social scene than the one in the corridors. Perhaps the bullies would beat you up if you didn’t link to them?
Looking forward to Scott’s posts here, anyway :)
August 27th, 2003 at 12:01 pm
Scott, welcome to GTxA! I know you by your work, though we’ve never meet in person. I hope we have a chance to meet at some shindig soon (wherever the freaks and geeks hang out).