September 7, 2003

I want a holodeck now!

by Andrew Stern · , 10:33 pm

cries the interviewer of Chris Crawford in a new article, in which Chris discusses his long-time-in-development Erasmatron interactive storytelling technology. (via Torill) Also, here’s another recent interview with Chris on Gamasutra.

When I last talked to Chris at TIDSE, he said he hopes to use the Erasmatron in the near future as the foundation for a new version of his classic Balance of Power. That would be great. I truly hope Chris gets a chance to reap the rewards of all the hard work he’s put into his system.

(Update: Yet another new Chris link — an essay called Subjectivity and Simulation. Via

One Response to “I want a holodeck now!”

  1. andrew Says:

    The latest Chris Crawford discussion can be found at gamegirladvance, inspired by a talk Chris gave at CMU’s Entertainment Technology Center.

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