January 9, 2004

Visiting Your Relatives Online

by Nick Montfort · , 1:40 pm

You can look at the pages Google determines to be “related” in a new way using Google Browser from TouchGraph. Well, a fairly new way – the system has been out for a while and it or its cousins (Amazon Browser, LiveJournal Browser) have been mentioned here and there, but my advisor, Michael Kearns, showed it to me today since it’s one of the tools we’ll be using in a new undergraduate class this semester, “Networked Life.”


7 Responses to “Visiting Your Relatives Online”

  1. nick Says:

    Yeah I knew that I’d already read about this thing somewhere.

  2. andrew Says:

    This seems really cool. My only problem is I can’t get the damn thing to work… It just stays a blank screen for me. I’ve tried it on a Mac G4 at work yesterday and WinXP at home today; both have Java 4.0+… Anything special one has to do that’s not obvious to make it graph?

  3. nick Says:

    It takes a while to load – I thought it wasn’t going to work on my iBook at first. I’ve seen it running on Windows and on my Macs. Sigh, good thing I’m going to have to support students using this program for class…

  4. andrew Says:

    Actually I figured out what was wrong for me — I was entering “www.grandtextauto.org”, which comes up blank. But this is because we forward grandtextauto.org to “grandtextauto.org”; entering the latter worked fine.

    *Super-cool* ! What a fun way to visualize the blogosphere!

  5. nick Says:

    There was a nice article on the Networked Life class in the Penn student newspaper today.

  6. Elastico.net Says:
    Su arbol genealógixo web, gracias
    ¿Por qué buscar quién enlaza a tu blog en sitios tan lineales y aburridos como Technorati o Google, cuando existe el Google Browser de Touchgraph? Introduciendo la url de cualquier web el sistema genera una visualización dinámica de su”vecindario”;no…

  7. hector maria enrique Says:

    quisiera saber mi arbol genealogico desde ya muchas gracias exitos
    mi padre era hector abel enrique y mi madre es maria richard.

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