April 12, 2004

Story Representation Workshop

by Michael Mateas · , 12:20 pm

I’m on the program committee for the workshop Story Representation: Mechanism and Context, to be held at the 12th ACM International Conference on Multimedia in New York next October (details below). If you are interested in multimedia story systems, particularly systems that employ AI models of story and character, please consider attending!

The 1st ACM Workshop on
In conjunction with the 12th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
October 15, 2004
Columbia University
New York, New York, USA
Papers due: June 15, 2004
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2004
Camera-ready papers due: August 1, 2004

From the call:

In this workshop we will investigate the application and practice of story
to multimedia story creation and artificial intelligence, with particular
emphasis on lessons from oral, written and cinematic storytelling. This
workshop would be of interest to those doing traditional multimedia research
involving search and retrieval, media analysis, and semantics, as well as
those researchers developing new forms of story expression and narrative
based interface design. Recent advances in artificial intelligence,
knowledge representation and technologies for interactive systems point to a
reemergence of story models as useful tools for multimedia research.
Mechanisms for navigating these representations and constructing stories
from them provide new directions for multimedia and human interface design.
While there is growing interest in systems that are aware of their external
physical context, building story systems that are aware of narrative
contexts and cultural relevance, offers the potential for computer assisted
generation of stories that are rich and well connected to the lives and
experiences of an audience.

The premise of this workshop is that better understanding of storytelling
abilities by people and machines is necessary for the development of more
compelling and participatory multimedia systems.

One Response to “Story Representation Workshop”

  1. andrew Says:

    sounds great! I’d love to attend this, or at a minimum get a hold of the proceedings.

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