July 28, 2004

Post AAAI Workshop

by Andrew Stern · , 8:21 pm

Robin Hunicke has written a post mortem of the just-ended AAAI workshop she co-organized, Challenges in Game AI, which included a keynote from GTxA’s Michael, who promises a conference writeup as well.

Sounds like this successful workshop may take over for the “AI and Interactive Entertainment” workshops that had happened for several years at the spring symposia at Stanford.

Update: Rob Zubek has done a writeup, and Michael just posted a biggie.

5 Responses to “Post AAAI Workshop”

  1. B. Rickman Says:

    Promises, promises.

  2. SeanZehnder.com Says:
    Why we need another stupid game scripting engine.
    Robin Hunicke wrote a very interesting post mortem of the recent “Challenges in Game AI” workshop at the recent AAAI conference. In the article, Robin writes: But is the solution to build *yet another* game scripting engine? Why not take…

  3. robert zubek Says:
    AAAI Workshop on Challenges in Game AI
    This weekend I got back from AAAI and the Workshop on Challenges in Game AI – a small workshop for AI practitioners to discuss work in progress and future trends, in the tradition of the 1999-2002 AAAI symposia on game AI. It was a very interesting mee…

  4. andrew Says:

    In the post above I added a link to Rob Zubek’s new writeup.

  5. michael Says:

    The promise has been fulfilled.

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