December 1, 2004


by Noah Wardrip-Fruin · , 9:17 am

I just got back from Europe (my most recent post was from an AI lab in Zurich) where I attended a great gathering at the University of Siegen organized by Peter Gendolla und Jörgen Schäfer. Titled “Netzliteratur — Umbrüche in der literarischen Kommunikation,” it featured Marie-Laure Ryan, Loss Pequeno Glazier, Roberto Simanowski, and yours truly as the U.S. participants. Others came from Germany, France, Spain, Finland, and Switzerland. (Program PDF.) One of the highlights for me was finally meeting people who I’d corresponded with (like Marie-Laure) or who I’d long heard of (like French participants Philippe Bootz and Jean-Pierre Balpe). Everyone’s papers will be online at Dichtung Digital before long, so I won’t say too much about the presentations here — except to note that Markku Eskelinen’s was based on his excellent Six Problems in Search of a Solution: The challenge of cybertext theory and ludology to literary theory, already online at DD.

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