December 23, 2004

99 Rooms

by Scott Rettberg · , 2:29 am

An interesting place to wander for a while, 99 Rooms is a site of animated interactive photographs of rooms, most of which entice you to explore and find something, to flip a switch of some kind to cause a change in the environment. Each room consists of a photo painted over with an image or character. Outside of the organ music looping in the background, the designers have also done a good job of creating an aural environment to layer to match the photographic, art, and interactive layers. There are some very simple puzzles, and the art seems to have some kind of mythical structure I haven’t figured out yet, not quite a narrative but something near it.

3 Responses to “99 Rooms”

  1. incognito Says:

    its not just a simple puzzle
    everyting in 99 rooms is in a way…a live… the aritst also managed to hide their names in nearly every room(maybe all i havent fund em all yet)
    every time i enter the rooms i find something new and different – and ive been there over 2o times by now…its awesome!!!
    cant wait for their new project to come out

  2. christophe Says:

    le jeu 99room qui c’est ou se passe ce jeu dans quel endroit quel ville l’auteur a été chercher ces pièces ?

  3. christophe Says:

    j’aimerais bien voir les pièces des mes yeux enfin si ils existent parec que je els trouvent rès interresantes comme pièces et peut être si ce n’estpa strop loin de chez moi je pourrais visité ??

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