February 9, 2005

Living Game Worlds Symposium

by Michael Mateas · , 10:21 pm

The schedule and registration information for the Living Game Worlds Symposium at Georgia Tech is now available. This is the symposium in honor of Will Wright that I mentioned earlier.

4 Responses to “Living Game Worlds Symposium”

  1. andrew Says:

    Wow that is some kind of awesome lineup of participants! Looks great.

    The first words of the three group sessions are “procedural”, “procedural” and “computational”; hmm, I wonder which GaTech organizer set the theme? ;-)

  2. chrisf Says:

    god, I’d love to see that, but I’m far away.
    I’ll be looking out for a lengthy post describing what happened, please!

  3. Michael Says:

    Yes, I’ll blog it (and I imagine Ian will be blogging it as well).

  4. Grand Text Auto » Living Game Worlds @ Tech Says:

    […] rgia Tech, on Thursday, February 16th. Last year, the first Living Game Worlds symposium (1 2) was held in honor of Will Wright receiving the Ivan Allen Award. Th […]

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