February 25, 2005

Electronic Thumb to London

by Nick Montfort · , 2:56 pm

I found news of this March 3 London event posted on rec.games.int-fiction:

In honour of the BAFTA award nomination for the BBC’s new Internet edition of the classic Infocom computer game, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy”, we present two titans of the text adventure: STEVE MERETZKY AND MICHAEL BYWATER, IN CONVERSATION (on interactive fiction, Douglas Adams and other lost worlds)

As well as working with Douglas Adams on the “Hitchhiker’s” game in 1985, STEVE MERETZKY is responsible for such other classics of the genre as “Planetfall”, “Leather Goddesses of Phobos” and “Zork Zero”. In 1999 he was named one of the industry’s 25 “Game Gods” by PC Gamer magazine. He currently holds the position of Principal Game Designer for WorldWinner, Inc.

Veteran writer and broadcaster MICHAEL BYWATER has been involved with interactive storytelling since the eighties, both with Douglas Adams on Infocom’s “Bureaucracy” and the legendary British games company Magnetic Scrolls. He worked with Adams again in the mid-nineties on The Digital Village’s “Starship Titanic”. His third book, “Lost Worlds: What Have We Lost & Where Did It Go?” (a collection of his columns for The Independent On Sunday) is out now.

Date: Thursday 3rd March, 8:00pm
Price: 4 pounds on the door – all proceeds go to Save The Rhino and The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
Venue: The Brockway Room, Conway Hall
25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL Map

4 Responses to “Electronic Thumb to London”

  1. nick Says:

    One writeup of the event comes from Iain Merrick, a.k.a. huskyscotsman. Say na sae.

  2. join-the-dots Says:
    lost worlds
    Nick already blogged about this, but in case you’re not a Grand Text Auto reader, I’m re-blogging it here…

  3. nick Says:

    Hanna has posted part 1 of her epic blogging of the event.

  4. nick Says:

    Part 2 is now up, and it’s a lengthy safari into Michael Bywater’s safari clothes and other important topics.

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