April 3, 2005

Fictions and Flashes

by Nick Montfort · , 8:52 pm

I was recently alerted to Ferry Halim’s Orisinal, which offers pleasant-looking, easy-to-understand Flash games, reminiscient of greeting cards and often featuring happy animals. They’re worth looking at. While I can’t say that I find them very compelling, some people apparently do, from looking at some of the net-wide high scores for these games.

The IF Comp, which takes place in the fall (for those in the Northern Hemisphere), has traditionally been the annual big deal of interactive fiction production and critique. But there’s also a Spring Thing, a competition Adam Cadre ran in 2002 and 2003 and which is back this year, thanks to Greg Boettcher. The games are out for this year’s; you can download them from the IF Archive. The voting period ends May 1.

6 Responses to “Fictions and Flashes”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    It’s all about the happy animals.

  2. Ian Bogost Says:

    Ferry Halim’s games obviously use a very particular aesthetic, and use it very well at that, but I think there are several examples of very interesting work among them. Specifically, a number of the Orisinal games are very good examples of small-scale representations of underserved concepts. I think particularly of Starry Night and Midnight Serenade. Yes, they are still a bit gimmicky/puzzlish and less representative of human emotion, but I find them to be useful examples. In general, Orisinal games offer a wonderful, refreshing perspective on casual games that don’t involve arranging blocks to disapper. Also, the games have great sound design, which is worth noting.

  3. andrew Says:

    Ah yes, I love the Orisinal games — my favorite for a long time has been Among the Clouds. Once in a while I think about that game, for some reason.

  4. Malcolm Ryan Says:

    My favorite is Bubble Bees, although I’m stumped as to how to avoid running out of time.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    I do believe that it is possible to get seriously ‘in the zone’ whilst playing Roperunner.

    And am I the only person who, after playing ‘Wake Up Calls’, was reminded of rocket-launcher tactics in Unreal Tournament (especially on low-G maps like DM-Morpheus)? Jump, aim, shoot down – lather, rinse, repeat…

  6. nick Says:

    The Spring Thing has concluded and the rankings have been announced (see the official page if you like):

    1. Whom the Telling Changed, by Aaron A. Reed
    2. Bolivia By Night, by Aidan Doyle
    3. Threnody, by John “Doppler” Schiff
    4. Flat Feet, by Joel Ray Holveck
    5. Second Chance, by David Whyld
    6. Authority, by Eva Vikstrom

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