May 10, 2005

GTxA Year Three; Mary on the Masthead

by Nick Montfort · , 11:47 am

First off, a happy 2nd anniversary to Grand Text Auto – here’s to many more years of writing and conversation by the “drivers” and by the readers and commenters, who also bring direction and make the blog what it is.

I also want to re-welcome Mary Flanagan, who has been with us for a while as a guest and now joins us as a regular “driver.” We’re not planning to expand the driver pool much more, or perhaps any more, but we all continue to admire Mary’s work as a new media critic and creator, appreciated her contributions as a guest driver, and wanted her to remain part of this project. We hope that having her name on the masthead will let her keep contributing to the conversation here and allow her to more easily give us the scoop on her current and future projects.

As an initiation ritual, we challenged Mary to start a race riot on the blog, and look at the striking result. Really, though, Mary brings a valuable perspective to issues of new media, gaming, and computer creativity that all of us (“drivers” and members of the commenting community) care about and are trying to deeply understand. I hope she’ll continue to foster conversations about topics that other drivers may have neglected, however uncomfortable or unusual they might be. When you discuss interactivity, sometimes you have to push buttons.

So, let’s look forward to six voices in posts and many more in comments, and the provocative and thoughtful conversation that will surely ensue. Here’s hoping we all enjoy “Grand Text Auto 3.”

6 Responses to “GTxA Year Three; Mary on the Masthead”

  1. josh g. Says:

    Happy Birthday! (Is there cake?)

  2. andrew Says:

    Welcome Mary!

    Wow, it’s been two years already, that’s amazing.

    Hopefully the summer will give each of us more free time to think and talk on GTxA; these last few months have been pretty crazy for us all.

  3. mary Says:

    thanks to all! i apparently drive like a maniac.

  4. zach Says:

    ah ha. GTA just moved up a slot or two in my daily reading queue. Salud!

  5. Michael Says:

    Welcome Mary!

    I’m certainly looking forward to Grand Text Auto 3; with the end of the semester, and Facade almost done (!!), I’ll be able to re-enter the blogosphere again…

  6. scott Says:

    Mary, Glad to have you fully on board for more than just a hit and run.

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