June 15, 2005

Photoshopping for Summer Camp

by Scott Rettberg · , 12:52 pm

rex the bat dogElin Sjursen, the blogger behind Bloggerdy Doc, is doing an interesting variation on the blog tip jar with Help Send Mr. Teen to Summer Camp. In an effort to send her teenage son to camp this summer, she’s making photoshop art in exchange for donations to the summer camp fund. If you send her a high resolution image along with your donation to the summer camp fund, she’ll send back a piece of photoshopped artwork, such as Rex, this photoshopped bat-dog.

3 Responses to “Photoshopping for Summer Camp”

  1. andrew Says:

    That’s very cool. I wish my mom would Photoshop for me sometimes.

  2. nick Says:

    Hey storyboy, you forgot the other part of Elin’s cool project:

    Or, send her a topic, and she will write a story about it on her blog.

  3. scott Says:

    Nick — I can see it’s bearing great results.

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