July 7, 2005
Documentaries to Come: Digital Culture in Brazil
The creators of the free documentarty Gamer Br (GTxA post, English home page) are gearing up for another project: a three-episode video on the way digital technology is influencing cultrual production, and the distribution and reception of media, in Brazil. The first, “Skip the Intermediary,” will cover the struggles of musicians and record labels. The second will cover the IP revolution that Creative Commons licenses and other challenges to traditional copyright are bringing in Brazil. The final video will cover the free software movement and its cultural effect.
The plan is to make the video available for free download, for free on DVD, and for free on VHS, so that poorer Brazilians with older consumer electronics can view it, too. The filmmakers (who provided well-translated English subtitles for Gamer Br have an English version of the prospectus online. (I hesitated a long time before clicking on this, but yes, the domain “nakedpictures.utopia.com.br” is actually the wiki for this documentary project.) Good luck to these gamers as they head to the next level and start on this project!
July 11th, 2005 at 6:51 pm
Miguel Centellas has updated “BoliviaWiki – a wikipedia on Bolivia politics” as a way of taking notes for his own research.