August 8, 2005

Chatbot Study

by Andrew Stern · , 2:17 pm

There’s a new research study beginning today about chatbots, surveying people who have played with them or other conversational agents (Façade counts!), as well as those who build them.

Subject: Seeking chatbot study participants
Calling all: Chatbot Users and Chatbot Makers
If you have used or have built chatbots, or conversational agents, please participate in my online study of these research communities and their priorities. I am looking to get a sense of who make bots, who use them, and in what ways. The questions will only take a few minutes to answer, but participants can return to participate in ongoing discussions.
To participate, go to:
The study will begin August 8 and continue until October 15.
This is a confidential study. Please see the site for information about privacy and participation.
Mark Marino, Ph.D. Candidate, UCR., mmarino @

2 Responses to “Chatbot Study”

  1. nick Says:

    A reminder: Participants for this study are sought from now until October 15. Anyone who has ever used a chabot or spoken with a nonplayer character in a game is eligible to fill out the survey.

  2. Mark Marino Says:

    Thanks to all of you who have participated so far. We’ve got some very interesting answers and are starting to get a clearer picture of the community. The survey takes about 15 minutes to fill out. Please contact me with any questions.

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