September 14, 2005

Stunts! Danger! Jack-assery!

by Andrew Stern · , 2:17 pm

The Chicago-based experimental theater group The Neo-Futurists just opened a new show called Daredevils! The company’s “first-ever live stunt show” explores “the seemingly ever-present male desire to engage in feats of physical risk” using “a combination of task-based performance and individual narratives on the themes of personal decision-making, the nature of risk, and what it means to be a daredevil.”

Andy Bayiates, the voice of Trip in Façade, is one of the Daredevil team, sporting a black jumpsuit adorned with patches from his stuntman sponsors, NASCAR-style, including a big blue one with white lettering from Andy’s physical stunts in the show include eating the hottest curry in Chicago every performance.

See below for a close-up of the patch.

The show runs Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm through October 15, at the The Neo-Futurarium, 5153 N. Ashland, Chicago.
See, we told you we’d get that Façade patch done as soon as possible! Ha ha.

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