October 20, 2005

culture as play

by Mary Flanagan · , 9:59 pm

Update from the Road: The Microwave International Media Art Festival is in full swing here in Hong Kong, focusing on “Culture as Play”; the program consists of two media art exhibitions, workshops, screenings, and a conference on new media. The game art exhibition space in City Hall is organized like a game level or maze; it’s quite a large space, really nicely set up, and positioned to receive many visitors to the government and cultural Hall. The exhibitions and screenings run for a month.

I visited City University of Hong Kong yesterday to talk to a games studies / theory class taught by Hector Rodriguez and on Saturday the full conference begins, featuring talks by Tobias Bernstrup, Martin Pichlmair, Paul Johnson, Katrien Jacobs, yours truly, and others. On the 23rd Mark Amerika will be speaking as the screenings and exhibitions continue.

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