October 24, 2005

Sticker Literature That Says What You Want It To Say

by Nick Montfort · , 2:14 am

… and Not Sticker Literature That Says What Someone Else Wants You Say. Well, that could have been the name of the project, but it’s called The Bubble Project. “I printed 15,000 of these bubble stickers and place them on top of ads all over New York City. Passersby fill them in. I go back and photograph the results.”

The Bubble Project

7 Responses to “Sticker Literature That Says What You Want It To Say”

  1. scott Says:

    What an excellent project. I like the inversion of authorship, that the originator of the project is actually in a way its primary audience, and that it serves as a kind of sociological survey as much as anything else.

  2. Zen of Design»Blog Archive » Speech Bubbles as Art Says:

    […] s earlier this month, but the site had been Farked before I could point it out. Thanks to Grand Text Auto for reminding me to check back. […]

  3. vc Says:

    This is 100% awesome.

  4. nick Says:

    Yet another sticker literature project. I think the reference to “Implementation” is pretty clear in the word “Impeach.”

  5. scott Says:

    Tired of all those star-spangled adhesive ribbons and inspired by the most recent presidential address to the nation, I recently purchased an “Impeach Bush” bumper sticker. Also, on the radio yesterday, I heard the word “Impeach” used for the first time in mainstream national broadcast media in reference to the misleader. John Dean, Nixon’s counsel during the Watergate scandal, pointed out that with his press conference on the spying on Americans wiretap crime, George Bush is the first sitting president to openly admit that he committed an impeachable offence.

  6. Grand Text Auto » Logoz in the Hood Says:

    […] the adopt-a-zoa section of the site. This project is aphoristic rather than novelistic or completely open and blank. It’s is based o […]

  7. Grand Text Auto » Sticker Saint Petersburg Says:

    […] 2; Sticker Saint Petersburg — was inspired by work like Implementation, Logozoa, and The Bubble Project. Though no one tried to use t […]

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