May 10, 2006

GTxA Makes Three

by Andrew Stern · , 2:21 pm

Three years old, that is. Yup, it’s Grand Text Auto’s third birthday. Besides some great discussions with you all this past year here on the blog, and some all-time-high traffic numbers for the site (mostly spam bots, but still), lots has happened this year for us “drivers”: completions of PhD’s, releases of digital fiction, poetry and art, new jobs, and not to mention a kid or two. Probably a book announcement or two in there somewhere as well.

We’re looking forward to more as we begin year four!

4 Responses to “GTxA Makes Three”

  1. nick Says:

    It’s no fun for a three-year-old group blog to celebrate its birthday alone. I think we should take Grand Text Auto out to someplace that has one of these, and that we should invite Terra Nova, Water Cooler Games, Writer Response Theory, and other friends to the party. Conical party hats and noisemakers are a must. But let’s not go here.

  2. Mark M. Says:

    Happy Birthday, GTxA!

    WRT will supply the silly hats and ASCII art decorations.

    BTW, this week GTxA was in the air in SoCal as Mary Flanagan participated in (and hopefully will post on) the Girls ‘N’ Gaming conference at UCLA.
    We’ve got a few notes on it over here.

  3. Brandon Says:

    Where can I find the Hot Coffee patch for GTxA 3?

  4. mary Says:

    thanks mark for the note. i will add also after the blog post i just did…

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