October 25, 2006


by Nick Montfort · , 10:35 am

The full announcement and Web site with participant bios are already up, but here’s a quick run-down of what’s coming up at the Writers House:

The festival is in Philadelphia, PA, at 3805 Locust Walk on the Penn campus. We’re celebrating the release of the Electronic Literature Collection volume 1, which is being published on CD-ROM and the Web. AUTOSTART attendees will get a copy of the CD edition.

The big events are the discussion (1-2:30pm) and the reading (5:30-7:30pm) on Thursday. There’s an open house between these to allow people to drop in for discussion with festival participants, to see the ELC vol 1, and to take tours of it given by me and Stephanie Strickland.

Two RSVP-only events are the Wet Digit workshop for digital media newcomers (Thursday 4-5:30pm) and the Electronic Writing Jam (Friday 1-4pm). Register for these now if you’re hoping to attend: wh@writing.upenn.edu. There’s also a tour of the Slought Foundation Friday morning.

I’ll write up the basics of what happens at the festival as best I can. Noah and Mary will be there in their own bodies, and Scott will appear via videoconference at the E-Writing Jam. I hope to see at least a few Grand Text Auto folks out there – please say hi to me (and Noah, and Mary) if you do make it by!

2 Responses to “AUTOSTART Begins”

  1. mary Says:

    body on its way. see y’all shortly.

  2. Grand Text Auto » Questions about E-Lit from Jena Osman Says:

    […] -Lit from Jena Osman
    by nick @ 4:15 pm

    In opening the discussion that started Autostart, Jena Osman, poet and director of the creative writing program at […]

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