October 31, 2006

Will Wright in The New Yorker

by Andrew Stern · , 5:40 pm

Continuing the recent trend of feature articles about games and game designers in highbrow magazines (1 2 3), Will Wright is profiled in The New Yorker by one the magazine’s tech-friendly writers, John Seabrook, and accompanied by a sweet illustration by Istvan Banyai (one of my favorite contemporary illustrators).

While the material on Spore, E3, etc. will be very familiar to GTxA readers, the piece does delve into Will’s background and personal life more than anything else I’ve read on him.

(Also there’s a new short piece on serious games in The Utne Reader.)

One Response to “Will Wright in The New Yorker

  1. Patrick Says:

    It was a bummer to hear about him and his wife separating; you gotta make sure a given woman likes games before you fall in love with her.

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