December 2, 2006

U of Baltimore Information Arts & Technologies Job

by Nick Montfort · , 3:34 pm

A tenure-track faculty job has been posted in Nancy Kaplan & Stuart Moulthrop’s program:

Assistant Professor, Information Arts and Technologies

The School of Information Arts and Technologies at the University of Baltimore invites applications for a tenure track assistant professor to begin August 2007. Doctorate or other terminal degree in computer science, interactive media, instructional technology, or human-computer interaction is highly desirable. Advanced degrees in other areas may be considered.

The successful candidate will have a strong commitment to teaching, demonstrated success in research and publication, and the ability to teach a range of courses in our two undergraduate and two graduate degree programs. We particularly seek candidates with background in programming, interactive media, game and simulation development, user-centered design, and/or media studies.

Primary teaching responsibilities will contribute to the bachelor’s program in Simulation and Digital Entertainment, with opportunities to teach in the school’s other programs as well. The SDE program currently enrolls approxiamtely 60 students, is growing rapidly, and will begin operating on a second campus in fall 2007. For additional information about the program, visit

In addition to SDE, the School offers three other degree programs: the B.S. in Applied Information Technology, the M.S. in Interaction Design and Information Architecture, the Doctor of Communications Design, and graduate certificates in New Media Publishing and Information Design. For more information about the School of Information Arts and Technologies, visit

The University of Baltimore, a component of the University System of Maryland, serves a diverse urban community with an emphasis on professional studies. The School of Information Arts and Technologies, a division of the Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts, has seven full-time faculty.

The University offers competitive salaries and a strong benefits package.

To apply, candidates must submit a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, reprints or preprints of a sampling of their publications, and three letters of recommendation to:

Prof. Nancy Kaplan, Chair, Search Committee
School of Information Arts and Technologies
University of Baltimore
1420 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

To ensure consideration all materials must be received by March 1, 2007.

UB is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/ADA Compliant Employer and a Title IX Institution.

View this job listing at the University’s Human Resources Web site.

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