January 2, 2007

IF Vote on Jay Is Games

by Andrew Stern · , 1:00 am

The casual game review site Jay Is Games is conducting a poll for best of 2006, including a category for IF or art — I think there’s one more day to vote, in case there’s a nominated art/game there you like…

[Update: Never mind, voting is over!]

2 Responses to “IF Vote on Jay Is Games”

  1. josemanuel Says:

    Why did Zarf win if people voted for Inanimate Alice? Why did he win if he cast fewer votes than anyone else? Why voting if your choice is not going to be taken into account?

  2. andrew Says:

    I think there was both an editor’s choice (Zarf’s oeuvre), and a people’s choice (Inanimate Alice). It’s not labeled that clearly, but I think that’s how it works, per category.

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