February 9, 2007
ITU Seeks Two Game Profs
Gamer academics, take noteL T.L. Taylor sends word that ITU-Copenhagen is now looking for two game development professors. The university’s building is even cooler-looking than in the illustration below, and don’t worry – it isn’t that dark most of the time. Animations of the building, hopefully the same ones that had the great techno soundtracks, are also available.
The IT University (http://www.itu.dk/), home of the Center for Computer Games Research (http://game.itu.dk), is seeking applicants for two positions as Associate or Assistant Professor of game development. The faculty will teach in our international English language program that focuses on game design, analysis, and technology (http://www.itu.dk/mtg/). Relevant areas of research and teaching are:
– Game AI,
– Game Interface Design and Playtesting,
– Game Development and Project Management,
– Software Engineering for Game Development,
– Game Systems Architecture,
– Game Graphics and AnimationFor full information about the positions and application procedures please visit http://www1.itu.dk/sw58262.asp. Application deadline is 16 April 2007 at 12:00 noon. Questions about the position can be directed to Associate Professor T.L. Taylor (tltaylor _at_ itu.dk).