May 10, 2007

We’re Four

by Andrew Stern · , 11:59 am

Today was the fourth birthday of Grand Text Auto! yay!

4 Responses to “We’re Four”

  1. Mark M. Says:

    Happy Birthday, GTxA!

    By the way, WRT tagged GTxA as one of the Blogs that Makes Us Think! Here’s to many more years of blogging.

  2. Nick Mabry Says:

    Way to go! Keep up the great work!

  3. Aaron Reed Says:

    Grand Text Auto is a fantastic resource, both for current news and for its growing archives. Thanks to Mary, Michael, Nick, Scott, Andrew, and Noah for keeping it running!

  4. William Wend Says:

    Happy birthday! I started reading this blog about a year into existence (Spring 04…the first semester I had a class with Scott) and have been reading daily since.

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