June 22, 2007

User-Generated Content, er, Links

by Nick Montfort · , 11:01 am

Thanks to these three for pointing me to several interesting sites of note…

Dennis Jerz sent word of the fracas over Manchester Cathedral being modeled as part of Resistance: Fall of Man. A video walkthrough shows what the level looks like. Sony has apologized, as I think they should have: The cathedral is neither candle-lit nor full of doves, and it lacks Chow Yun-Fat. Fortunately, at least one of those problems is being addressed in another game.

Geoff Washburn sent a link to intimate interface work that lets you play with your partner’s pants, as also mentioned by Ian on WCG. This technology was developed at NYU – the Media Lab’s Lingerie of the Future group got scooped, it seems. The first demo is of something like a simplified Pants Pants Revolution, but after this interface has developed we can expect things like Prince of Persia: The Pants of Time and maybe even Resistance: Fall of Pants.

Jena Osman’s “Public Figures” project is now online, set in Flash by John Sparrow. It’s activated with the links at the top. I’ve seen (and participated in) her offline presentation of this work, which deals with, among other things, the gazes of Philadelphia statues and how they are heavily armed. (Maybe not compared to Chow Yun-Fat, but still.) Also see Jena’s new essay, “Is Poetry the News?: The Poethics of the Found Text.”

3 Responses to “User-Generated Content, er, Links”

  1. Brian Moriarty Says:

    > “set in Flash by John Sparrow.”

    I’ve not seen that idiom used before. Attractive.

  2. Chris Lewis Says:

    I am glad that the gaming world has finally acknowledged the criminal lack of Chow Yun-Fat in video games.

    If only you could have picked your thesis topic again, Nick.

  3. nick Says:

    Note Ian Bogost’s article on the Manchester Cathedral flap, in which he argues that the cathedral’s placement in the game is reverent.

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