August 20, 2007

New TIRWeb on Donna Leishman & Jason Nelson

by Scott Rettberg · , 9:24 am

A new issue of the Iowa Review Web has been published, guest-edited by Stephanie Strickland and Marjorie Coverely Luesebrink, and featuring the work of Donna Leishman. Titled “MultiModal Coding: Jason Nelson, Donna Leishman and Electronic Writing,” the issue features an in-depth double interview of the two artists, essays by each artist on the other’s work, essays by Talan Memmott on Leishman and Nelson’s work, and links to their works, including Leishman’s Deviant, Nelson’s Pandemic Rooms and much more. The issue provides a good case study on these two innovative electronic authors. I also note that TIRWeb is sporting a new interface. I think I like it better than the last, though I’m still not sure if I’m completely sold on the design.

One Response to “New TIRWeb on Donna Leishman & Jason Nelson”

  1. Weekend Reading | William Patrick Wend Says:

    […] bout John Barth. The comment section also has some useful links I am looking into. Via Grand Text Auto, the new issue of the Iowa Review Web is […]

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