September 7, 2007
Read this Play This Thing!
Greg Costikyan has just introduced a separate but Manifesto-Games-owned site for game reviews, focusing on independent games. It’s called Play This Thing! It will feature – already features – games with online demos as well as free games. Reviewers will intone Csikszentmihalyi, Huizinga before commencing their daily posts, and will then go on to provide short and punchy takes on fun games that accessibly explain their cool aspects. The site already features reviews of:
- Introversion Software’s Defcon, a demo-available strategy game, reviewed by the99th
- Adam Cadre’s Lock and Key, an unusual interactive fiction piece, reviewed by Emily Short
- Chris Swain’s The Redistricting Game, a Flash piece
- Pop & Co’s Bible Fight, a Flash piece
- Urban Legend, Ticket to Ride, Alien Abduction, and dozens of others that have at least capsule descriptions, with support for user ranking
Well, it needed to be announced and added to the blogroll, but enough reviews of the reviews already. Read these reviews! Then play these things!