October 2, 2007

A Strange Haul of Books

by Nick Montfort · , 5:35 pm

I went to the MIT Libraries booksale today, and I got a few things, including some old computer books of the sort I am always looking for.

books with titles

My haul wasn’t that great, and I wouldn’t have commented upon it under most circumstances. But what was uncanny was that, when I went to shelve them … well, look at the last names of the authors!

spines with authors: Poe, Shelley, Wyatt

2 Responses to “A Strange Haul of Books”

  1. Jim Miles Says:

    Of course, it would be truly remarkable if such coincidences NEVER happened. If you see my point.

  2. mary Says:

    I think this is humorous nick. thanks for including!

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