November 5, 2007

New Site, Familiar Human Values

by Mary Flanagan · , 9:04 pm

I’d like to make a preliminary announcement about our site– including the “gametalk” blog, our growing game repository, our games contest (which will be annnounced formally here shortly), game designer interviews, and curriculum material for the Values At Play initiative at Hunter College+ NYU. Check it all out at the Values at Play site. Of note is a recent team blog post on the new Manhunt by Jay Bachhuber. Enjoy, contribute, and let us know of any glitches!

3 Responses to “New Site, Familiar Human Values”

  1. noah Says:

    Looks great, Mary!

    I’ve actually been meaning to talk with you about possibly using the curriculum materials with my group of grad students this Winter. I expect a group of very bright folks, used to thinking about values and how they play out in systems, but with varying levels of game knowledge. Does that sound like a good target group?

  2. noah Says:

    Also, if you’re looking for suggestions on the new site, I’d make it easier to figure out a URL for the team blog. The front page of the site points to the blog archives, but I don’t see a link to the top level of the blog. Similarly, the individual posts don’t seem to have links to the blog’s top level.

  3. mary Says:

    thanks for the feedback noah. Yes your group does sound like a great group to try out the curriculum. Its been going over really well at other schools and apparently sparking some incredible games out of the discussions and exercises! awesome. take a look at the curriculum on the site *(we are making tweaks and updates all the time) and we’ll help you along the process!

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