March 29, 2008

Political Responsibility at Last

by Nick Montfort · , 6:15 am

I want it painted black

It warms my heart to see that a major Internet company has turned its Web page black, joining the protest against the Communications Decency Act only 4433 days late.

6 Responses to “Political Responsibility at Last”

  1. Ron Newcomb Says:

    Google’s page is black for Earth Hour — many cities around the world are turning off the lights for an hour to raise awareness about global warming.

  2. [ Earth Hour] Says:

    […] temporary black on white design was emblematic of the problem. In their own about page they acknowledged that black screens on LCD […]

  3. linus Says:

    You should check Google’s blog for what they were actually doing…

  4. nick Says:

    Wow, Google has a blog now, too?

  5. Ian Bogost Says:

    Sorry, what is “blog”? Is that like email?

  6. andrew Says:

    Ian, you’re so 1995. I bet you haven’t even finished Johnny Mnemonic yet.

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