September 24, 2008

Coming in Early 2009: Racing the Beam

by Nick Montfort · , 5:48 pm
Coming soon from MIT Press

8 Responses to “Coming in Early 2009: Racing the Beam

  1. J. Robinson Wheeler Says:

    Excellent! I’m looking forward to this book.

    I imagine that the Apple II and Commodore 64 would make interesting platform studies as well.

  2. Nick Montfort Says:

    Definitely, Rob. We’re hopeful that we’ll get some proposals for books on these platforms soon. Anyone (or any group of collaborators) interested in penning a book on a particular platform for the Platform Studies series should get in touch with me and/or Ian as a first step.

  3. Jim Whitehead Says:

    Congratulations! You must be excited to see this project coming to completion.

    Excellent cover design, very nice.

  4. Mark Nelson Says:

    Excellent! I might actually pre-order a book for once. I must say that I liked the retro-geeky mock-up cover, but the real cover/title are nicely evocative too, and relevant since racing the beam is one of the most unique and pervasively-influential-in-game-programming features of the platform.

  5. Kevin Says:

    I like the personification of the technology in Racing the Beam. “If the VCS could speak, what would it say?”

    And, of course, you can’t go wrong with cover art that conjures Yar’s mighty Revenge!


  6. Nick Montfort Says:

    The book is now listed in the online MIT Press catalog, and the listing includes some snazzy endorsements. Thanks to Alex Galloway, Matt Kirschenbaum, and Chris Crawford for those.

  7. William Patrick Wend Says:

    Congrats, Nick, I am looking forward to reading this! An Apple II book would be really great.

  8. Grand Text Auto » Racing the Beam Arrives! Says:

    […] the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System by Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost, mentioned here previously, is now available from online and bricks-and-mortar booksellsers, including Amazon and Powells. The […]

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