January 13, 2009

Variables and Values

by Nick Montfort · , 10:38 pm

Currently up at The Big Jewel is a rendition of a famous Robert Frost poem as a BASIC program. Thanks for the link, Jason.

And, something that way more people online are interested in and which is turning out to be much more lucrative than Save Karyn: Take Natalie.

2 Responses to “Variables and Values”

  1. Dennis G. Jerz Says:

    That pernalink for that is http://www.thebigjewel.com/thesubroutinenottaken/

    In the book The Mechanic Muse, Hugh Kenner presents a Samuel Beckett monologue in the syntax of a Pascal program (though, if I recall correctly, he concedes the program doesn’t actually do anything — it’s just a visualizing of a lot of complex if/then/else structure).

  2. Nick Montfort Says:

    Thanks, Dennis! I added that link in the post.

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