February 26, 2009

The Birth of the Digital

by Nick Montfort · , 12:16 am

Stephanie Strickland’s article “Born Digital,” describing electronic literature as a practice distinct from the publication of e-books and entwined with programming, is now up on the Poetry Foundation’s site. If you yourself are curious yourself about what characterizes e-lit, or if you’re hoping to be able to better explain the concept to others, I suggest you take a look at what Strickland has insightfully written.

One Response to “The Birth of the Digital”

  1. links for 2009-02-28 « storyglot Says:

    […] Grand Text Auto » The Birth of the Digital Stephanie Strickland’s article “Born Digital,” describing electronic literature as a practice distinct from the publication of e-books and entwined with programming, is now up on the Poetry Foundation’s site. If you yourself are curious yourself about what characterizes e-lit, or if you’re hoping to be able to better explain the concept to others, I suggest you take a look at what Strickland has insightfully written. (tags: borndigital strickland e-books) […]

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